Please be as specific as you can about what you want in your custom game!
The more information we have, the better your game will be!
What is the date you need your custom game completed by? *
What is the name of the person Hosting the event/game?*
Is the host playing a suspect role?*
What is the actual date of the party/event?*
What type of event are you hosting?
Tell us about your event/party.
Describe the venue the game will take place at?
Is there anything special about the event venue that we should know about?
Do you have a theme in mind for your custom game? *
Do you have a title for your game? *
What is the preferred setting for where the murder takes place?
Do you have a specific era or time period in mind for the game?
How complex do you want the plot to be? *
What specific plot elements would you like to be included in the game? *
Are there any plot elements you want to avoid?
For suspects, we can create everything about them or you can tell us some things about your guests that we can incorporate into the game!
A regular custom mystery game comes with 12 suspects.
If you need more, please purchase the add-on "Additional Suspects"
In total, how many suspects do you need for the game? *
How many female suspects?*
Who is the victim in the game?
Who is the murderer in the game?
Who cannot be the victim?
Who cannot be the murderer?
Provide any details you want included for your guests/suspects or we can just create them for you. Age, funny things about the guest, race, appearance, gender, etc..
Example: Judith Berlin: 44yr Black Woman, Financial Advisor for fortune 500 company. She likes red wine, cannot work without her special purple calculator and always wears a lovely flower in her hair. She makes the best chocolate chip cookies and fidgets with desk toys.
Example: Kirk Denkman: 38yr White Male, Sportscaster for the Knicks. Hates anyone chewing gum and has been married 3 times. His nickname is "Spud". He has blonde wavy hair, has green eyes, wears glasses and always smells of cigar smoke.
12 suspects come with your custom game.
If you need more roles, please purchase the additional suspects item from our shop.
You can complete this form for up to 24 suspects. Do you have any additional requests?