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1+ Hours
Buzz is a drinking game that is often played at parties or social gatherings. It is a simple and easy game that only requires a few players and some drinks.
Ways to Play
Reverse Buzz: Instead of counting upwards from 1, players count down from a predetermined number. If a player messes up, they take a drink and the count starts over.
Category Buzz: Before each number, the person who is "it" gives a category, such as "types of fruit" or "colors." Players must say something that fits the category before saying the number. If a player fails to do so, they take a drink and the count starts over.
Rhyme Buzz: Players say words that rhyme with the number being counted. For example, for the number 3, players might say "tree." If a player can't think of a rhyme or repeats a word, they take a drink and the count starts over.
Multiple of a Number Buzz: Instead of saying a number that's a multiple of 7 or contains the number 7, players choose a different number, such as 5 or 9. If a player messes up or says a number that is not a multiple of the chosen number, they take a drink and the count starts over.
Rule Buzz: Before the game starts, players come up with a rule that must be followed throughout the game. For example, players might have to use a certain word before saying the number, or they may have to touch their nose after saying each number. If a player forgets the rule, they take a drink and the count starts over.
Color Buzz: Players must say a color instead of a number. The next player must then say a color that hasn't been said yet. If a player repeats a color or can't think of a color, they take a drink and the count starts over.
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