Flip Sip or Strip
Age Range
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Play Time?
1+ Hours
Flip, Sip & Strip is a drinking game that combines elements of chance and teasing. It typically involves a group of players taking turns flipping a coin, and based on the outcome, either taking a drink, removing an article of clothing, or performing some other predetermined action
Ways to Play
Celebrity Flip, Sip & Strip: Instead of personal questions, players take turns naming celebrities. If a player cannot think of a celebrity, or if they name someone who has already been mentioned, they must drink and remove an article of clothing.
Movie Flip, Sip & Strip: Similar to Celebrity Flip, Sip & Strip, players take turns naming movies instead of celebrities. The game continues until someone can't name a movie or repeats a previously mentioned title.
Truth or Dare Flip, Sip & Strip: Instead of flipping a coin, each player takes turns choosing truth or dare. If they choose truth and refuse to answer, they must drink and remove an article of clothing. If they choose dare and refuse to do it, they must drink and remove an article of clothing.
Strip Poker Flip, Sip & Strip: Players play a game of strip poker, and whenever someone loses a hand, they must flip a coin. If the coin lands on "strip," they must remove an article of clothing. If it lands on "sip," they must take a drink.
Never Have I Ever Flip, Sip & Strip: Similar to regular Never Have I Ever, but players must flip a coin to determine if they will either take a drink or remove an article of clothing when admitting to doing something.
Would You Rather Flip, Sip & Strip: Players take turns asking "Would you rather" questions, and everyone must choose which option they would prefer. If they refuse to answer, they must take a drink and remove an article of clothing.
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