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30min +

Quarters is a popular drinking game that involves players bouncing a quarter off a table or surface in an attempt to land it in a cup or shot glass. If a player successfully lands the quarter in the cup, they can then make another player drink from the cup. The game can be played with two or more players, and there are a variety of different rules and variations.

Ways to Play

Pyramid: To set up, arrange the cups in a pyramid shape (3-2-1). Each player takes turns bouncing the quarter into the cups, starting from the top row and working their way down. If a player successfully bounces the quarter into a cup, they move onto the next cup in the row. If they miss, they must take a drink and their turn ends. The first player to make it to the bottom cup wins.

Horse Race: Set up a track of 10 cups for each player and fill them each with a small amount of beer. Each cup is numbered from 1-10. Players take turns trying to bounce the quarter into the cups. If they make it into cup #1, they move on to cup #2, and so on. If they miss, they must take a drink and try again. The first player to make it to cup #10 wins.

Rapid Fire: In this variant, players take turns trying to bounce the quarter into the cup as many times as possible within a set time limit, like 30 seconds. Each successful bounce counts as one point. The player with the most points at the end of the time limit wins.

Four Corners: To set up, place four cups in each corner of the table, and fill each with a small amount of beer. Players take turns trying to bounce the quarter into the cups, starting with the corner closest to them and working their way around the table. If they miss, they must take a drink and their turn ends. The first player to make it to the last cup in their corner wins.

Around the World: Set up six cups in a circle in the center of the table, and fill them each with a small amount of beer. Players take turns trying to bounce the quarter into the cups, starting with the cup directly in front of them and working their way around the circle. If they miss, they must take a drink and their turn ends. The first player to make it all the way around the circle wins.

Quarters Baseball: Set up four cups in a straight line on either end of the table, and fill them each with a small amount of beer. Players take turns trying to bounce the quarter into the cups, starting at first base and working their way around the bases. If they make it into the first cup, they move on to second base, and so on. If they miss, they are out. The first player to make it all the way around the bases and back home wins.

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