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Dice Stacker
Players must stack dice on a popsicle stick held in their mouth within one minute.

Game Play
Give each player a set of dice and a popsicle stick or a designated tool.
Players have one minute to stack as many dice as possible on the edge of the popsicle stick.
Only dice that are balanced and stay on the stick will count as points.
Players can use any technique to stack the dice, but they must stack them one at a time.
The player with the highest number of successfully stacked dice within the time limit wins the game.
Blindfolded Dice Stacker: Blindfold the players and have them rely on their sense of touch and balance to stack the dice.
Speed Dice Stacker: Set a timer for a shorter duration, such as 30 seconds, and challenge players to stack as many dice as possible within that time frame
Dice Pyramid: Instead of stacking the dice on the edge of a popsicle stick, players must build a pyramid structure using the dice within the time limit. The player who creates the highest and most stable pyramid wins the game.
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