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Rapid Fire
Players must shoot rubber bands at a target and try to hit as many times as possible within one minute.

Game Play
Place a target, such as a set of cups or a designated point on a wall, at a reasonable distance from the players.
Participants have one minute to shoot as many rubber bands as they can at the target.
Only rubber bands that successfully hit and stay on the target will count as points.
Players must stand behind a designated line or spot while shooting the rubber bands.
The player with the highest number of successful hits within the time limit wins the game.
Moving Target: Attach the target to a motorized platform that moves back and forth, making it more challenging for players to hit it accurately.
Blindfolded Rapid Fire: Blindfold the players and have them rely solely on their sense of touch and aim to shoot the rubber bands at the target.
Team Rapid Fire: Divide players into teams and have them take turns shooting rubber bands. The team with the highest combined score wins the game.
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