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Spoon Race
Players must balance an egg or a ping pong ball on a spoon and pass it to the next player in a relay race without dropping it within one minute.

Game Play
Each player is provided with a spoon and a small object to balance on the spoon, such as a ping pong ball or a marshmallow.
Players must hold the spoon with their mouth and balance the object on the spoon.
The objective is to race to the finish line without dropping the object from the spoon.
If the object falls, players must stop and place it back on the spoon before continuing.
The first player or team to complete the race within the time limit wins the game.
Obstacle Spoon Race: Set up an obstacle course with hurdles or zigzag paths that players must navigate while balancing the object on the spoon.
Blindfolded Spoon Race: Blindfold the players and have them rely on their teammates' guidance to complete the race while balancing the object on the spoon.
Long-Distance Spoon Race: Increase the distance of the race, challenging players to maintain balance over a longer distance within the time limit.
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