Conspiracy Theories
Delve into the intriguing world of conspiracy theories with this trivia theme, where you can explore popular and controversial theories surrounding historical events, secret societies, and hidden agendas.

Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the moon landing? A: It claims the moon landing was faked by NASA and the U.S. government.
Q: Which conspiracy theory involves the belief in a world-controlling group called the Illuminati? A: The Illuminati conspiracy theory.
Q: What is the Flat Earth theory? A: It's the belief that the Earth is flat, not a sphere.
Q: Which conspiracy theory claims that Princess Diana's death was not an accident? A: The Princess Diana murder conspiracy.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about chemtrails? A: It claims that the trails left by airplanes contain harmful chemicals.
Q: Which conspiracy theory is related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? A: The theory claims his assassination was a result of a larger plot, not the act of a lone gunman.
Q: What is the Area 51 conspiracy theory? A: It suggests that the U.S. government is hiding aliens or UFOs at Area 51.
Q: What is the New World Order theory? A: It's a theory about a secretive power elite aiming to rule the world.
Q: What's the conspiracy theory regarding the 9/11 attacks? A: That they were an inside job by the U.S. government.
Q: Which conspiracy involves the belief in a hidden planet, Nibiru, that will collide with Earth? A: The Nibiru cataclysm theory.
Q: What is the conspiracy about Big Pharma? A: It suggests pharmaceutical companies suppress natural cures to maintain profit.
Q: What does the conspiracy theory about the Denver Airport suggest? A: It claims the airport contains underground bunkers or is linked to the Illuminati.
Q: What is the Roswell UFO incident? A: A conspiracy theory that an alien spacecraft crashed at Roswell in 1947.
Q: What's the theory about the Bilderberg Group? A: It claims they are a global elite controlling world events.
Q: What is the conspiracy about HAARP? A: That it's a weapon used for weather control and mind manipulation.
Q: What's the theory regarding the Bohemian Grove? A: It suggests that global elites meet there for secretive rituals.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about Elvis Presley? A: That he faked his death and is still alive.
Q: What's the theory about the Bermuda Triangle? A: It suggests mysterious disappearances in the area are due to paranormal or alien activities.
Q: What is the Paul is Dead conspiracy? A: It claims that Paul McCartney of The Beatles died in 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike.
Q: What's the conspiracy theory about fluoride in drinking water? A: It claims that fluoride is added for reasons other than dental health, like mind control.
Q: What's the conspiracy theory about the Philadelphia Experiment? A: It claims the U.S. Navy made a ship invisible in 1943.
Q: What is MK-Ultra? A: A CIA program that allegedly experimented with mind control.
Q: What's the conspiracy theory surrounding the Dyatlov Pass incident? A: It suggests the mysterious deaths of hikers in Russia were caused by unknown forces or government experiments.
Q: What does the conspiracy theory about the Georgia Guidestones claim? A: It suggests they outline a plan for a new world order and population control.
Q: What's the theory about Operation Northwoods? A: It was a proposed false flag operation by the U.S. government to justify war with Cuba.
Q: What is the conspiracy about the Montauk Project? A: It claims the U.S. government conducted secret experiments in time travel and mind control.
Q: What's the theory regarding the Tunguska event? A: That the explosion was caused by an alien spacecraft or secret weapon.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the Black Knight Satellite? A: It suggests an ancient, extraterrestrial satellite orbits Earth.
Q: What's the theory about the death of Marilyn Monroe? A: It suggests she was murdered to prevent her from revealing secrets about her relationships with the Kennedys.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the Lizard People? A: That shape-shifting reptilian beings control the world.
Q: What's the theory about the Lost City of Atlantis? A: That it was a real, technologically advanced civilization that disappeared.
Q: What is the conspiracy about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.? A: That it was an organized hit by government agencies.
Q: What's the theory about the Hollow Earth? A: That the Earth is hollow and may harbor advanced civilizations or aliens.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the Titanic? A: That it was swapped with its sister ship, the Olympic, for insurance fraud.
Q: What's the theory regarding the cure for cancer? A: It suggests a cure exists but is suppressed to profit from cancer treatments.
Q: What is the conspiracy about global warming? A: That it's a hoax or exaggerated to push certain agendas.
Q: What's the theory about the FEMA camps? A: That they are designed for mass detainment or martial law scenarios.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the Codex Alimentarius? A: It suggests this collection of food standards is part of a plot to control the world's food supply.
Q: What's the theory about Project Blue Beam? A: That it's a plan to simulate a second coming or alien invasion through holograms.
Q: What is the conspiracy about the Deep State? A: That a shadowy network within the government manipulates national policy.
Q: What's the theory about the Octopus conspiracy? A: It suggests a global cabal involved in major political and financial events.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in its more detailed aspects? A: That it's involved in geophysical warfare and could trigger natural disasters.
Q: What's the theory about the Majestic 12 documents? A: That they are secret documents proving a government cover-up of UFOs.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory regarding the Men in Black? A: That they are government agents or aliens suppressing UFO evidence.
Q: What's the theory about the Denver Airport's capstone? A: That it contains a Freemason symbol linking the airport to the New World Order.
Q: What is the conspiracy about the Akashic Records? A: That they are a cosmic record of all events, accessible by psychic means.
Q: What's the theory regarding Project Camelot? A: That it was a government project aimed at predicting future societal disruptions.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the Ancient Astronauts? A: That aliens visited Earth in antiquity and influenced human civilizations.
Q: What's the theory about the Maltese Falcon statue? A: That it's a relic with mysterious powers or a map to hidden treasures.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the Phoenix Lights? A: That the 1997 UFO sighting in Phoenix was extraterrestrial.
Q: What's the theory about the Stonehenge construction? A: That it was built by aliens or with lost advanced technology.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the Voynich Manuscript? A: That it's an encoded book containing forbidden knowledge or alien language.
Q: What's the theory about the Bilderberg Group's meeting agendas? A: That they decide major global policies and events in advance.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the Lost Cosmonauts? A: That the Soviet Union sent astronauts into space who never returned and covered it up.
Q: What's the theory regarding the Antikythera Mechanism? A: That it's an ancient computer proving advanced prehistoric knowledge.
Q: What is the conspiracy about the Knights Templar's treasure? A: That they possessed a vast treasure that remains hidden.
Q: What's the theory about the real purpose of CERN's Large Hadron Collider? A: That it's a device for accessing parallel universes or endangering the world.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the Bohemian Grove's Cremation of Care ceremony? A: That it involves occult rituals or sacrifices.
Q: What's the theory about the Rendlesham Forest incident? A: That it was a significant military encounter with extraterrestrial beings.
Q: What is the conspiracy theory about the Illuminati's alleged control of the music industry? A: That they manipulate the industry for mind control or spreading