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Lord of the Rings

Journey through Middle-earth and test your knowledge of the beloved characters, places, and events from J.R.R. Tolkien's epic Lord of the Rings series in this challenging trivia game.

Lord of the Rings





Q- Who is the author of The Lord of the Rings? 

A- J.R.R. Tolkien

Q- What type of creature is Legolas? 

A- Elf

Q- What is the name of Frodo's loyal companion? 

A- Samwise Gamgee

Q- What is the name of the wizard who leads the Fellowship of the Ring? 

A- Gandalf

Q- Who becomes the king of Gondor at the end of the series? 

A- Aragorn

Q- What is the name of the giant spider that Frodo and Sam encounter? 

A- Shelob

Q- What is the name of the Elven bread given to the Fellowship for sustenance? 

A- Lembas

Q- Who is the steward of Gondor during most of the story? 

A- Denethor

Q- What is the name of the horse that Gandalf rides? 

A- Shadowfax

Q- What is the name of Frodo’s uncle who originally found the One Ring? 

A- Bilbo Baggins

Q- Who reforged the shards of Narsil into Andúril? 

A- Telchar

Q- What type of creature is Gimli? 

A- Dwarf

Q- What is the name of the land where the Hobbits live? 

A- The Shire

Q- Who kills the Witch-king of Angmar? 

A- Éowyn

Q- What is the name of the river that runs through Rivendell? 

A- Bruinen

Q- Who leads the Ents in their march on Isengard? 

A- Treebeard

Q- What is the name of the pass that Frodo and Sam take to enter Mordor? 

A- Cirith Ungol

Q- Who is the father of Gimli? 

A- Glóin

Q- What is the name of the battle where Théoden is killed? 

A- Battle of Pelennor Fields

Q- Who becomes the king of Rohan? 

A- Éomer

Q- What is the Elvish name for Rivendell? 

A- Imladris

Q- Who is the Lady of Lothlórien? 

A- Galadriel

Q- What is the name of the realm ruled by Thranduil? 

A- Mirkwood

Q- What creature does Gandalf battle in Moria? 

A- Balrog

Q- Who is the captain of the White Tower? 

A- Boromir

Q- What is the name of the sword that Théoden wields? 

A- Herugrim

Q- Who is the prince of Ithilien? 

A- Faramir

Q- What is the name of the great hall in Rohan? 

A- Meduseld

Q- Who is the daughter of Elrond? 

A- Arwen

Q- What is the name of the dark fortress in Mordor? 

A- Barad-dûr

Q- What is the name of the horse given to Aragorn by Éomer? 

A- Brego

Q- Who is the ruler of the Grey Havens? 

A- Círdan

Q- What is the name of the mountain range bordering Mordor? 

A- Ephel Dúath

Q- Who created the Silmarils? 

A- Fëanor

Q- What is the name of the river that runs through Lothlórien? 

A- Celebrant

Q- Who is the master of Rivendell? 

A- Elrond

Q- What is the name of the dragon that Thorin's company seeks to defeat in The Hobbit? 

A- Smaug

Q- Who is the leader of the Nazgûl? 

A- Witch-king of Angmar

Q- What is the name of the Elven city that lies west of the Misty Mountains? 

A- Lindon

Q- Who is the Lord of the Eagles? 

A- Gwaihir

Q- What is the Quenya name for Mount Doom? 

A- Orodruin

Q- Who is the mother of Aragorn? 

A- Gilraen

Q- What is the Sindarin name for the One Ring? 

A- Ash nazg

Q- What is the name of the sword that Isildur used to cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand? 

A- Narsil

Q- What is the name of the Ent who discovers Merry and Pippin? 

A- Quickbeam

Q- What is the name of the mountain pass that leads to Cirith Ungol? 

A- Morgul Pass

Q- What is the name of the tower where Saruman resides? 

A- Orthanc

Q- What is the name of the sword that Frodo uses? 

A- Sting

Q- Who is the father of Legolas? 

A- Thranduil

Q- What is the name of the elven star-glass given to Frodo? 

A- Phial of Galadriel

Q- What is the name of the ship that takes Frodo to the Undying Lands? 

A- White Ship

Q- Who is the original owner of the Palantíri? 

A- Númenóreans

Q- What is the name of the wolf-like creatures ridden by orcs? 

A- Wargs

Q- What is the name of the capital city of Gondor? 

A- Minas Tirith

Q- Who is the ruler of Lothlórien alongside Galadriel? 

A- Celeborn

Q- What is the name of the inn where Frodo and the Hobbits first meet Aragorn? 

A- The Prancing Pony

Q- What is the Sindarin name for the Grey Havens? 

A- Mithlond

Q- What is the name of the battle where the Last Alliance fought Sauron? 

A- Battle of Dagorlad

Q- What is the name of the sword that Éowyn wields? 

A- Hadhafang

Q- Who reforged the shards of Narsil into Andúril? 

A- Telchar

Q- What is the name of the Ent who leads the march on Isengard? 

A- Finglas ​

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